Die ~ing-Form


Wählen Sie die richtige Verbform

(Choose the correct form of the verb.)


1. We by the lake when a storm .

(Wir gingen am See spazieren als ein Unwetter aufzog.)

2. I can't come. It's at the moment.

(Ich kann nicht kommen. Es regnet im Moment)

3. I tennis with my tax advisor every Friday.

(Ich spiele jeden Freitag Tennis mit meinem Steuerberater.)

4. It had all week. Now there was finally enough snow.

(Es hatte die ganze Woche über geschneit. Jetzt lag endlich genug Schnee.)

5. Peter he my bike.

(Peter grinst immer nur, wenn er mein Fahrrad sieht.)

6. Sarah the result.

(Sarah zweifelt im Moment das Ergebnis an.)

7. I as an accountant in the accounts department of an insurance company.

(Ich arbeite als Buchhalterin in der Buchhaltung einer Versicherungsgesellschaft.)

8. Money out.

(Das Geld wird langsam knapp. )


Question 1 of 10


Wählen Sie die richtige Verbform

(Choose the correct form of the verb.)


1. I found him on the sofa.

(Ich fand ihn schlafend auf dem Sofa.)

2. She made an face.

(Sie machte ein amüsiertes Gesicht.)

3. That was an story.

(Das war eine amüsante Geschichte.)

4. Please keep me informed about developments.

(Halten Sie mich bitte über die gegenwärtige Entwicklung informiert.)

5. That is an description.

(Das ist ein zutreffende Beschreibung.)

6. This is an football game, don't you think so?

(Das ist ein spannendes Fußballspiel, findest du nicht auch?)

7. The family received the news that their daughter had not been in the accident.

(Die Familie erhielt die erleichternde Nachricht, dass ihrer Tochter bei dem Unfall nichts passiert war.)

8. The police are not allowed any information if proceedings are .

(Bei einem schwebenden Verfahren darf die Polizei keine Auskunft geben.)


Question 2 of 10

Füllen Sie die Lücken mit der richtigen Verbform

(Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form)

Example:  to shop windows – Window shopping is the name given to the activity of strolling through shopping malls or retail outlets, browsing through the items on display without the intent to buy anything.


1. to watch whales  –  The American metropolis of Chicago (Illinois) is located on Lake Michigan. And even if you wouldn't expect it by looking at the map, you can go on tours from Chicago.


Question 3 of 10

Füllen Sie die Lücken mit der richtigen Verbform

(Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form)

Example:  to shop windows – Window shopping is the name given to the activity of strolling through shopping malls or retail outlets, browsing through the items on display without the intent to buy anything.


2. to warm a house  –  Yesterday I was invited to a party. It is a party traditionally held soon after moving into a new residence. It is an occasion for the hosts to present their new home to their friends.

(Haus-/Wohnung- Einweihungsparty.)

Question 4 of 10

Füllen Sie die Lücken mit der richtigen Verbform

(Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form)

Example:  to shop windows – Window shopping is the name given to the activity of strolling through shopping malls or retail outlets, browsing through the items on display without the intent to buy anything.


3. to smoke  –  According to a 2014 article titled " Still Big in Cuba" in the Havana Times, more than 50 per cent of the Cuban population is exposed to the harmful effects of cigarette , with one in four people over the age of 15 being active .

Question 5 of 10

Füllen Sie die Lücken mit der richtigen Verbform

(Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form)

Example:  to shop windows – Window shopping is the name given to the activity of strolling through shopping malls or retail outlets, browsing through the items on display without the intent to buy anything.


4. to swim in a pool  – The largest pool in the world is said to be the San Alfonso del Mar Seawater pool in Algarrobo, Chile. It is 1,013 m (3,323 ft) long and takes up 20 acres. - By the way, did you know that sweat too? - Due to the nature of (i.e. being in the water), there is a lot of energy being exerted that makes swimmers sweat while .

Question 6 of 10

Füllen Sie die Lücken mit der richtigen Verbform

(Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form)

Example:  to shop windows – Window shopping is the name given to the activity of strolling through shopping malls or retail outlets, browsing through the items on display without the intent to buy anything.


4. to surf  –  is among the oldest sports on Earth. While the precise origin of is uncertain, prehistoric stone carvings in Chan Chan in Peru that date back 5,000 years show people surfing. Today, surfing is a 10 billion dollar industry with more than 20 million participants worldwide. The longest ride ever on a single wave was 37 minutes on a pororoca, which is a tidal bore wave on the Amazon River. - By the way, the number of amateur female surfers has gone up by more than 300% since 2002. But it remains a dangerous sport. Cameron Diaz has broken her nose four times while .

Question 7 of 10


Wählen Sie die richtige Verbform

(Choose the correct form of the verb.)


1. At school we learn and .

(In der Schule lernen wir Lesen und Schreiben.)

2. The activity of looking at goods displayed in shop windows, especially without intending to buy anything is called .

(Das Betrachten von Waren, die in Schaufenstern ausgestellt sind, insbesondere ohne die Absicht, etwas zu kaufen, wird als Schaufensterbummel bezeichnet.)

3.  is a leadership superpower most of us would like to have. We’d all love to know what’s going on inside someone’s head.

(Gedanken lesen ist eine Fähigkeit, die die meisten von uns gerne haben würden. Wir wüssten alle gern, was in den Köpfen der anderen vorgeht. Sie möchten ein.)

4. It had been a very successful day at the casino. He had tripled his money. But now it was time it in before his luck changed.

(Es war ein sehr erfolgreicher Tag im Kasino gewesen. Er hatte sein Spielgeld verdreifacht. Aber jetzt war es an der Zeit, es einzulösen, bevor sich das Glück änderte.)

5. I think I'll stay at home today. I don't feel like out tonight.

(Ich denke, ich werde heute zu Hause bleiben. Ich habe keine Lust, heute Abend auszugehen.)

6. After high school, he had several options, but decided journalism.

(Nach der High School hatte er mehrere Möglichkeiten, entschied sich aber für ein Journalismusstudium.)

7. I plan my next project in the spring.

(Ich plane, im Frühjahr mit meinem nächsten Projekt zu beginnen.)

8. I suggest the next project in the spring.

(Ich schlage vor, im Frühjahr mit dem nächsten Projekt zu beginnen.)

9.  to parties is fun.

(Auf Parties gehen macht Spaß.)

10. We are considering to France next year.

(Wir überlegen, nächstes Jahr nach Frankreich zu ziehen.)

Question 8 of 10


Wählen Sie die richtige Antwort aus

(Select the correct answer)


11. After the verb ’finish‘ you can use

12. After the verb ’like‘ you can use

13. After the verb ’hope‘ you can use

14. After the verb ’seem‘ you can use with

15. After the verb ’forget‘ you can use with

16. After the verb ’manage‘ you can use with

17. After the verb ’agree‘ you can use with

18. After the verb ’start‘ you can use with


Question 9 of 10


Wählen Sie die richtige Antwort aus

(Select the correct answer)


19. This book is worth .

20. It's not good around the house alone. You have to go out!

21. What about tomorrow?

22. How about to the cinema tonight?

23. I don't mind called on my private phone.

24. Sandra was busy out all the payslips on time.

25. It's no good around the house alone. You have to go out!

Question 10 of 10